Pufferfish Barry Lolol 😂 regram @superheroes_to_supervillains This one Is hilarious 😂😂😂 I can’t stop laughing The “fatest man alive” Credit to -@ajdesigns0220 #Flash #cwflash #theflash #thescarlettspeedster #newsuit #barryallen #grantgustin #dctv #cw #teamflash #dccomics

Pufferfish Barry Lolol 😂 regram @superheroes_to_supervillains
This one Is hilarious 😂😂😂 I can’t stop laughing
The “fatest man alive”
Credit to -@ajdesigns0220
#Flash #cwflash #theflash #thescarlettspeedster #newsuit #barryallen #grantgustin #dctv #cw #teamflash #dccomics

This episode was good. Little touchy feely but good character development. Flash had the same thing. But seriously, what is up with that single mom and her stupid teenager? regram @superheroes_to_supervillains I love this scene specially “MIND OVER matter ” Totally love that 😍 Also next episode we’re going to Mars 💪👾😉 #cwsupergirl #supergirl #superflash #dctv #cw #dccomics #psi #karadanvers #karamel #idontmind #mindovermatter

This episode was good. Little touchy feely but good character development. Flash had the same thing. But seriously, what is up with that single mom and her stupid teenager? regram @superheroes_to_supervillains
I love this scene specially “MIND OVER matter ”
Totally love that 😍 Also next episode we’re going to Mars 💪👾😉 #cwsupergirl #supergirl #superflash #dctv #cw #dccomics #psi #karadanvers #karamel #idontmind #mindovermatter

3rd season Premiere! Super girl wasn’t a ray of sunshine for five minutes and everybody panicked. Lol. Now they made us miss that doofus boyfriend of hers. I fucking cried when they sent him away on his cute little ship… Awww… regram @1dnhmb ☺︎ (Fri., Oct. 13, 2017) . My angel. My sunshine. She is my role model. Very very cuteeeee😍😍 . #melissabenoist #dc #dctv #dccomics #supergirl #supergirlcw #karazorel #karadanvers #glee #marleyrose #myangel #mysunshine #myrolemodel #angel #sunshine #rolemodel #love #lovely #cute #pretty #followme #l4l #fuckingdaxamites

3rd season Premiere! Super girl wasn’t a ray of sunshine for five minutes and everybody panicked. Lol. Now they made us miss that doofus boyfriend of hers. I fucking cried when they sent him away on his cute little ship… Awww… regram @1dnhmb
(Fri., Oct. 13, 2017)
My angel. My sunshine.
She is my role model.
Very very cuteeeee😍😍
#melissabenoist #dc #dctv #dccomics #supergirl #supergirlcw #karazorel #karadanvers #glee #marleyrose #myangel #mysunshine #myrolemodel #angel #sunshine #rolemodel #love #lovely #cute #pretty #followme #l4l #fuckingdaxamites

She is even the last person left on the team! regram @dceu.mcu.united Yo The New Title for #ArrowSeason5 got me Feeling some type of way…I think it’s time for a Rant. #ARROW SEASON 4 FINALE RANT BELOW! 😤 #FelicityAndFriends ______________________________________________ So looks like after The Arrow Finale…Its basically just #OliverQueen as The #GreenArrow and #FelicitySmoak Left on The Team…Since #JohnDiggle and #TheaQueen Kinda left (They’ll definitely be back tho). This Season was just a Complete Let down though 👎🏼 beginning with all that #Olicity Bullshit, #Felicity getting Paralyzed and being a Bitch, then They killed The #BlackCanary (#LaurelLance) just when she was getting her chance to shine, and Now it looks like All that big #GREENARROW HYPE Didn’t turn out to do Shit since Oliver ended up killing #DamienDarhk and going all Dark and shit. And of course they save the day by Uniting #StarCity…Aaaaaw that’s great (Basically The end of the Season 2 Finale Copy and Pasted tho). 🙄 Damn, I just hope Season 5 will be Better. But I wanna know your Thoughts, so comment Below what you Thought of #ArrowSeason4 ! 🏹 ______________________________________________ #DCTV #DCComics #DCExtendedUniverse #DCEU #BatmanVSuperman #SuicideSquad #Batman #LegendsofTomorrow #Marvel #CaptainAmericaCivilWar #CaptainAmerica #SpiderMan #XMENApocalypse #DCRebirth 💥 I’m not giving up on this show…

She is even the last person left on the team! regram @dceu.mcu.united
Yo The New Title for #ArrowSeason5 got me Feeling some type of way…I think it’s time for a Rant. #ARROW SEASON 4 FINALE RANT BELOW! 😤 #FelicityAndFriends

So looks like after The Arrow Finale…Its basically just #OliverQueen as The #GreenArrow and #FelicitySmoak Left on The Team…Since #JohnDiggle and #TheaQueen Kinda left (They’ll definitely be back tho). This Season was just a Complete Let down though 👎🏼 beginning with all that #Olicity Bullshit, #Felicity getting Paralyzed and being a Bitch, then They killed The #BlackCanary (#LaurelLance) just when she was getting her chance to shine, and Now it looks like All that big #GREENARROW HYPE Didn’t turn out to do Shit since Oliver ended up killing #DamienDarhk and going all Dark and shit. And of course they save the day by Uniting #StarCity…Aaaaaw that’s great (Basically The end of the Season 2 Finale Copy and Pasted tho). 🙄 Damn, I just hope Season 5 will be Better. But I wanna know your Thoughts, so comment Below what you Thought of #ArrowSeason4 ! 🏹

#DCTV #DCComics #DCExtendedUniverse #DCEU #BatmanVSuperman #SuicideSquad #Batman #LegendsofTomorrow #Marvel #CaptainAmericaCivilWar #CaptainAmerica #SpiderMan #XMENApocalypse #DCRebirth 💥 I’m not giving up on this show…

Crossovers! Yes. 🙂 regram @nephilim_rising2010 Lol. The Internet is quick. Not sure if you guys heard but @supergirlofficial is now moving to CW network instead of CBS for season two. I am excited about this news because A) that means we are getting a season two and B) more crossovers!!! They need to just call CW DCTV at this point though. I’d be for it. I want a live action Vixen series. #blerd #blacknerd #blackgeek #Supergirl #DCTV #DCComics #comicbookguy @cwtheflash @cw_arrow #TheFlash #Arrow @cw_legendsoftomorrow #LegendsofTomorrow #geekdom #geekguy #nerdlife #superheroes #kryptonian #gaygeek #gaynerd #CivilWar #justiceleague #geekpost #geekculture #geeknews #nerdnews #nerdalert #nerdstatus #nerdnation #talknerdytome #blackgaycomicgeek #comicgeek #comicnerd

Crossovers! Yes. 🙂 regram @nephilim_rising2010
Lol. The Internet is quick. Not sure if you guys heard but @supergirlofficial is now moving to CW network instead of CBS for season two. I am excited about this news because A) that means we are getting a season two and B) more crossovers!!! They need to just call CW DCTV at this point though. I’d be for it. I want a live action Vixen series.
#blerd #blacknerd #blackgeek #Supergirl #DCTV #DCComics #comicbookguy @cwtheflash @cw_arrow #TheFlash #Arrow @cw_legendsoftomorrow #LegendsofTomorrow #geekdom #geekguy #nerdlife #superheroes #kryptonian #gaygeek #gaynerd #CivilWar #justiceleague #geekpost #geekculture #geeknews #nerdnews #nerdalert #nerdstatus #nerdnation #talknerdytome #blackgaycomicgeek #comicgeek #comicnerd