The actress from Castle is a huge Words Of Radiance fan. What are they waiting for? Make these movies happen! Argh! 😤 #brandonsanderson #cosmere #wordsofradiance #redhead #actress #castle #cosplay #celebritycosplay #IMDb #instaflicks #bookstagram

The actress from Castle is a huge Words Of Radiance fan. What are they waiting for? Make these movies happen! Argh! 😤 #brandonsanderson #cosmere #wordsofradiance #redhead #actress #castle #cosplay #celebritycosplay #IMDb #instaflicks #bookstagram

Perfection is for stupid people. regram @cinema_dream Natalie Portman ❤️ Leon: The Professional (1994), Luc Besson Black Swan (2010), Darren Aronofsky #NataliePortman #leontheprofessional #blackswan #Leon #lucbesson #cinema #instaflicks #actress #crazy

Perfection is for stupid people. regram @cinema_dream
Natalie Portman ❤️
Leon: The Professional (1994), Luc Besson
Black Swan (2010), Darren Aronofsky #NataliePortman #leontheprofessional #blackswan #Leon #lucbesson #cinema #instaflicks #actress #crazy

Rewatching Under the Dome, for some reason. Had dropped the series at the beginning of season 2. Actually, it’s quite good. Rachelle Lefevre doesn’t hurt for the rewatch though. Britt Robertson was killed off too quickly dammit! #Repost @rachellelefevrebrasil ・・・ #RachelleLefevre #underthedome #doomsday #reclaim #agiftedman #twilight #thecaller #beautiful #actress #blueeyes #redhead

Rewatching Under the Dome, for some reason. Had dropped the series at the beginning of season 2. Actually, it’s quite good. Rachelle Lefevre doesn’t hurt for the rewatch though.
Britt Robertson was killed off too quickly dammit!

#Repost @rachellelefevrebrasil
#RachelleLefevre #underthedome #doomsday #reclaim #agiftedman #twilight #thecaller #beautiful #actress #blueeyes #redhead

Rachel Nichols is stunning. After Continuum, I’m going on a binge of her movies, Conan, P2, Raze. And G I Joe, sure. I’ll fast forward that one to the juicy bits. Repost @harish_ashok ・・・ #happybirthday #rachelnichols #actress #Beautifulwoman #mostbeautifulwoman #mycrush 🎉🎊🎂🎁😘😘😘 #dumbanddumberwhenharrymetlloyd #alias #theamityvillehorror #charliewilsonswar #startrek #gijoe #criminalminds #continuum #throwbackpic #rachelnichols #gijoe #movie #photoshoot #hbd #hbday #photooftheday #pictureoftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #instagood

Rachel Nichols is stunning. After Continuum, I’m going on a binge of her movies, Conan, P2, Raze. And G I Joe, sure. I’ll fast forward that one to the juicy bits.

Repost @harish_ashok
#happybirthday #rachelnichols #actress #Beautifulwoman #mostbeautifulwoman #mycrush
🎉🎊🎂🎁😘😘😘 #dumbanddumberwhenharrymetlloyd #alias #theamityvillehorror #charliewilsonswar #startrek #gijoe #criminalminds #continuum #throwbackpic #rachelnichols #gijoe #movie #photoshoot #hbd #hbday #photooftheday #pictureoftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #instagood

This is the best frame in the entire two-hour movie of Xmen Apocalypse. Unfortunately, it’s also the only high point. Might as well be a cartoon, for all the lack of danger amidst the chaos and destruction. The only two people who got hurt were the ones who regenerate. Seriously, why did Beast jump in at the last massive attack? To claw and bite? It was so silly. He should be dead. Sell the character rights back to Marvel, at least they can spin better scripts. #xmenapocalypse #xmenmovie #marvel #mutants #jenniferlawrence #jlaw #wolverine #fuckingcyclops #quicksilver #awesome #pizza #dog #bullettime #slomo #explosion #darkphoenix

This is the best frame in the entire two-hour movie of Xmen Apocalypse. Unfortunately, it’s also the only high point. Might as well be a cartoon, for all the lack of danger amidst the chaos and destruction. The only two people who got hurt were the ones who regenerate. Seriously, why did Beast jump in at the last massive attack? To claw and bite? It was so silly. He should be dead. Sell the character rights back to Marvel, at least they can spin better scripts. #xmenapocalypse #xmenmovie #marvel #mutants #jenniferlawrence #jlaw #wolverine #fuckingcyclops #quicksilver #awesome #pizza #dog #bullettime #slomo #explosion #darkphoenix

Our nerd goddess. regram @hwc_dippy_o_ski Happy B-Day, Morena Baccarin. She is best known for Inara Serra in Firefly, Adria in Stargate SG-1, Dr. Leslie Thompkins in Gotham, and Vanessa in Deadpool. #MorenaBaccarin #actress #Deadpool #Copycat #VanessaCarlysle #Gotham #InaraSerra #Firefly #Marvel #Stargate #StargateSG1 #Stargate #Batman #TaliaAlGhul

Our nerd goddess. regram @hwc_dippy_o_ski
Happy B-Day, Morena Baccarin. She is best known for Inara Serra in Firefly, Adria in Stargate SG-1, Dr. Leslie Thompkins in Gotham, and Vanessa in Deadpool. #MorenaBaccarin #actress #Deadpool #Copycat #VanessaCarlysle #Gotham #InaraSerra #Firefly #Marvel #Stargate #StargateSG1 #Stargate #Batman #TaliaAlGhul