This was actually quite good!  A bit longer than it should be, but full of toilet humor and the absurdity of the war. regram @jedi_sanidras
#MyDailyMovie #Day538 Watched #WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot I figured it would be #Funnier than it actually was it was more of a #Comedy #Drama but it was still good. It’s just the trailer was a bit deceiving. If anyone has a #movie Suggestion put it in the comments below. #TinaFey #MargotRobbie #BillyBobThornton

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See also  That's not an American gun... 😎 regram @gunchannels_#Repost @liberteaustin with @repostapp.・・・Today I didn't even have to use my A.K. I got to say it was a good day 😎 #america #girlsandguns #beetactical #ak47 #centuryarms #stiinternational #texasgirl #usa #liberteaustin #gunslinger #tacticaltuesday #2ndamendment #dailybadass #badassofficial #gunporn #igmilitia #gunchannels @beetactical @centuryarms @stiinternational @theflagshirt
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