George's Instagram Feed
Look what I fished out from my library! It’s from my English studies from when I was a kid. I remember all of Poe’s stories vividly, no wonder I’m so fucked up. #talesofmysteryandimagination #bookstagram #lower #proficiency #cambridge #english #edgarallanpoe #poe #horror #halloween #themasqueofthereddeath #thebarrelofamontillado #thepitandthependulum #thewhirlpool #themurdersintheruemorgue #thefallofthehouseofusher #shortstories
Look what I fished out from my library! It’s from my English studies from when I was a kid. I remember all of Poe’s stories vividly, no wonder I’m so fucked up. #talesofmysteryandimagination #bookstagram #lower #proficiency #cambridge #english #edgarallanpoe #poe #horror #halloween #themasqueofthereddeath #thebarrelofamontillado #thepitandthependulum #thewhirlpool #themurdersintheruemorgue #thefallofthehouseofusher #shortstories