George's Instagram Feed
They leaked her nudes and people freaked out. Must have forgotten that European actresses don’t give a shit about that. She has appeared nude in Venus, Black Mirror and A Thousand Kisses Deep. #Repost @nerdsandrec ・・・ #doctorwho #jodiewhittaker #thirteenthdoctor #petercapaldi #bbc #boobs #stopwhinging #getoverit #tardis #fanboyssuck #twoheartsequalfourboobs #gallifrey #897
They leaked her nudes and people freaked out. Must have forgotten that European actresses don’t give a shit about that. She has appeared nude in Venus, Black Mirror and A Thousand Kisses Deep.
#Repost @nerdsandrec
#doctorwho #jodiewhittaker #thirteenthdoctor #petercapaldi #bbc #boobs #stopwhinging #getoverit #tardis #fanboyssuck #twoheartsequalfourboobs #gallifrey #897