Maybe you should take a hint from all the shipwrecks and stay away from that reef. 😱 regram @world__in__focus
Photographer @____bok____
– I know this is a very similar shot to my series shots but I wanted to post it as a stand alone picture. The water is so nice 🏊
#queensland #seeaustralia #seequensland #drone #djiglobal #ocean #paradise #boats #igaustralia #australiagram #nature #natgeo #earthfocus #abandoned #swim #snorkel #dive #blue #focusaustralia #brisbane #brisbaneanyday #love #brisbaneanyday #natgeo #nature #moretonisland #paradise #dronegear #droneoftheday

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See also  So, a gritty R-rated fan short (starring Katee Sackhoff) gets taken down with the excuse that kids might stumble on the explicit material, but a gay character on the official movie is somehow acceptable? Screw you, Saban Entertainment. I'm not watching your film. @powerrangersmovie Google: Power Rangers, Unauthorized and violent, Bootleg Universe for the short film. #PowerRangersMovie #kateesackhoff #powerrangers #adishankar #filmmaking
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