Heard this has a great story. regram @iamedwinboyd
BioShock : Infinite
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See also  She is even the last person left on the team! regram @dceu.mcu.unitedYo The New Title for #ArrowSeason5 got me Feeling some type of way…I think it's time for a Rant. #ARROW SEASON 4 FINALE RANT BELOW! 😤 #FelicityAndFriends______________________________________________So looks like after The Arrow Finale…Its basically just #OliverQueen as The #GreenArrow and #FelicitySmoak Left on The Team…Since #JohnDiggle and #TheaQueen Kinda left (They'll definitely be back tho). This Season was just a Complete Let down though 👎🏼 beginning with all that #Olicity Bullshit, #Felicity getting Paralyzed and being a Bitch, then They killed The #BlackCanary (#LaurelLance) just when she was getting her chance to shine, and Now it looks like All that big #GREENARROW HYPE Didn't turn out to do Shit since Oliver ended up killing #DamienDarhk and going all Dark and shit. And of course they save the day by Uniting #StarCity…Aaaaaw that's great (Basically The end of the Season 2 Finale Copy and Pasted tho). 🙄 Damn, I just hope Season 5 will be Better. But I wanna know your Thoughts, so comment Below what you Thought of #ArrowSeason4 ! 🏹______________________________________________#DCTV #DCComics #DCExtendedUniverse #DCEU #BatmanVSuperman #SuicideSquad #Batman #LegendsofTomorrow #Marvel #CaptainAmericaCivilWar #CaptainAmerica #SpiderMan #XMENApocalypse #DCRebirth 💥 I'm not giving up on this show…
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