Finalising Cyberpink, I’m going over the plot points that will carry over to the next book in the series. Cherry Pie is fleshed out completely, and I simply adore her. Good natured, optimistic, polite and peppy, I hope you’ll like her too.

Her role is qwik, which is the only player in jugger who can pick up the skull and score a point. Qwiks can block attacks with their arms, a strike there doesn’t could as a hit and she doesn’t need to take a knee.

Once again, the cover art is from Antunesketch, check out his work, it’s loud and gorgeous.

The story is quite powerful so far, I believe. Not for the faint of heart, I slapped an 18+ warning on it cause I don’t like whiny people. It’s not explicit per se but I’d rather include it and avoid issues down the road.

The planned format for now are 3 novels with an overarching plot. Each one will have a character sheet for a cover, in a collect-all-the-cards style. The preorder for Pickle Pie should be out by tomorrow, but it’s a soft launch, I’ll send out an email when I’m ready, maybe next week. The price will be a low 2.99 in all stores, so grab it while you can.

The planned releases for now are:

  • May 14: Pickle Pie, Cyberpink Book 1
  • June: Reason Has Left the Building, Nanodaemons Book 2
  • June: Heartbreaker Episodes 3 and 4

And Hire a Muse Book 3 at some point. It’s called High on Maglev and it’s based on the myth of Icarus. But WITH MAGNETS. I need to translate the source story from Greek, first.

See also  Aldous Huxley on Technodictators

I also want to submit something to, since they’re opening their novella submissions next month. Just to say that I got something out there. Last time I hurried to get a submission in time I ended up with A Thousand Eves, which is a story I’m overhauling and will update soon. It’s almost doubled in length, but I’ll leave it in the same novel. It’s funny to see that the Amazon audience hates it but the wide audience in like Google Play Books loves it. Such a different sort of reader.

Expect to get an email about that as well.

How? Join the Mythographers. That’s how.



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