- I have many freebies running in the translations:
- Chicas Cohete Conjunto de Cajas: Libros Supersónico 1-5 (Spanish Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082GG2R54
- Raparigas de Foguetão Conjunto de Caixas: Livros Supersônico 1-5 (Portuguese Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082GCZTQ2
- Mythos Götter Technik 2 – Sammelband: Science Fiction trifft auf griechische Mythologie im Gott-Komplex-Universum (Gott Komplex Universum) (German Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083KHD2PD
- Mito Dioses Tec 1 – Antología: La ciencia ficción se encuentra con la mitología griega en el universo complejo de Dios (Spanish Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082RBSQP4
- 7 Tödliche Mitbewohner (Böse Götter 1) (German Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088162WQC
- 7 Colocataires Mortels (Dieux méchants t. 1) (French Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08815SW7P
- Updated PHP on all sites for 7.2 I think. If something breaks, it’s due to that. Let me know, send me an email.
- Rerendered Minibrain. It took many iterations to get the hair right, it was grainy for some reason so I let it power away all night. Now it looks good. https://georgesaoulidis.com/rerender-minibrain/
- Noticed I got some new reviews on Goodreads. Thanks everyone! https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/9851277.George_Saoulidis
- The audiobook review code giveaway is still on, grab them while you can. https://georgesaoulidis.com/grab-your-audiobook-review-code-here/
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