Blood of Heroes, with Rutger Hauer. This movie just inspired a whole trilogy of books for me. I should send these guys royalty checks. regram @laretratistadejuegos
Rutger Hauer en La sangre de los héroes. Uno de mis actores favoritos desde pequeña 😄

#rutgerhauer #cineserieb #serieb #bloodofheroes #sciencefiction #sci-fi #postapocalipsis #cienciaficción  #postnuclear #madmax #jugger

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See also  Reading The Wasp Factory.regram @darkerwiththeday1This is the first book that caught my imagination as a teenager. It almost felt as if I had been listening to 80s chart music and then discover Iggy Pop or The Smiths, I.e: it flipped a switch inside my head. It is funny as without this book I would never of written my own (Darker With The Day) where I pay tribute to it as it was just such a huge influence . Darker With The Day is available on Amazon in paperback and kindle formats #waspfactory #iainbanks #darkerwiththeday #influence
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