“You want what?” Chloe screamed into the camera. Then she had to wait seven minutes for him to respond, but her anger didn’t evaporate in the slightest.
She sent some more texts. It would come as a barrage of messages to Terry, but she didn’t care. She needed to vent in real-time. “Are you breaking up with me, trying to let me down easy or what?”
She paced up and down, kicked a cupboard, shouted ‘Ow!’ and cursed at her throbbing toe, and then sent more texts.
“You got bored, didn’t you?”
“Don’t bother replying, you bastard.”
“No, I changed my mind. I do want you to reply, I wanna see how you’ll try to spin this, sleeping with another woman.”
“Screw you!”
“No… sorry baby, I love you.”
“I’ll chop your dick off.”
Terry replied to the messages, but his explanations did not make it any better. “No, baby, hear me out. It’s for research, for increasing-distance relationships. It’s never been done before. And we will only do it if you’re comfortable with it, I swear. You can talk to Karen, she’s annoying but kinda nice.”
“Oh. Oh, she’s nice now, is she?”
“Not like that… I meant that I’m sure you’ll at least consider it if you talk to her. I can send you her social profile, it’s your call.”
“My call? Mine? I’m stuck in a spaceship, Terry! It’s not like I can stop you from doing anything with your new slut.”
“Chloe. It’s not like that, I swear. Look, calm down, and we’ll talk later, alright? I gotta go to work.”
Chloe stared at her comms, wide eyed. Her sister came barging in, licking a spoon of honey. “What’s up.”
Chloe scoffed at the comms. “Ha! He just left the conversation.” She sat on the bottom bunk and pulled her legs close to her body, hugging them tight. “He’s gonna break up with me,” she said in shock.
Zoe licked her honey, treasuring it. “Come on, Terry? Nah, the poor bastard is in love with you.”
Chloe shook her head, grabbed the pillow and hugged it tight. She pouted. “Nonono. He said he wanted to have sex with some Karen he met at our café.”
Zoe shrugged. “So, let him.” She licked her spoon.
“What?” Chloe snapped back at her, throwing her the pillow.
Zoe expertly dodged it, straightened her back and kept on licking. “It’s not like you can do it with him. So why not? The man probably has the bluest balls on the planet.”
Chloe grunted loudly. “Argh! Why do I even listen to you? You’re a teenager. Go frolic around somewhere.” She shooed her sister away.
“I don’t have any friends, not really. Plus, your drama is always the best entertainment.”
At that moment Chloe shouted some incoherent battle cry, grabbed her sister and pushed her down on the bed, pinching her thigh.
“Ow! Lemme go,” Zoe complained, thrashing around.
“You mean little… psycho.”
“Lemme go! I’ll give you some honey.”
“I don’t want your honey.” Chloe pinched her sister some more until her skin reddened, but even she knew that her anger was misdirected.
She pushed her away and Zoe fell on the floor. “Ow, bitch…” her sister whined and held her head. She stood up, ready to cry.
“Oh…” Chloe stood up and hugged her, kissing her sister’s head bump. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.”
“Okay,” Zoe said, pressing her lower lip. “But no honey for you.”
Chloe waited a while in the hug and then pushed her sister away. Zoe reached down and picked up her spoon. It was dirty. “Aww, what a waste. That still had a good two licks left.”